Tuesday, March 31, 2009

YWCA Milestones

Paula Fall - YWCA's Tribute to Women - Business Honoree
(Paula and Bill Fall, Toledo's best dressed couple)

Last Thursday, I had the honor of attending the YWCA's Tribute to Women luncheon. It was held at the SeaGate Convention Center. The President & CEO of the YWCA of Greater Toledo gave the opening Welcome speech and 13abc's Diane Larson was the Mistress of Ceremonies.

A very exciting part of the luncheon came when our dear friend Paula Fall was honored as the Business Honoree. Paula Fall owns Sophia Lustig and Sophie's Sister which are popular boutiques in downtown Toledo. We would like to congratulate Paula for the recognition!

Check out Sophie's Sister on the web, or stop by the downtown shop and be sure to visit Sophia Lustig!

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